Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Presentations - Round I

Reflecting on the first round of presentations is a bit difficult because it feels like it didn't even happen! Everything went by so fast! First, I have to say, both presentations were impressive, both funny and touching on elements of the work we have been delving in to this semester. Let me just say a few things about Group I before I get to the group I presented with:

Group I's play was epecially funny! I really enjoyed how they took Shakespearean characters and gave them a modern day spin. To be honest, I missed some parts of the skit totally because I was laughing so hard. I especially enjoyed the 'Inspiration/Poison' bottle, Adam's at the DUDE, Mick as the super-freakish 'I'm just that great' guy, and Pat's mullet. Everyone did an excellent job of portraying their characters! I really liked how I was able to draw connections between what they were saying and the work we have done this semester. My roommate, Victoria, does an especially funny mock New Jersey accent, and I think she should have used it when she assumed the role as Hamlet's mother. Other than that, a very funny and engaging skit!

Next...my group. What can I say about my group? I am so impressed and inspired by everyone in my group and feel very privileged to have had the chance to work with some of these amazing people. Honestly, when we were assigned these groups, I was a bit intimidated ... I mean, I was put in a group with Kari, Sam, Tai, Doug, Amy, AND Taylor... if that's not daunting, I don't know what is! I was expecting to be overwhelmed with their abilities, and believe me, I have been. But I have also been overwhelmed with gratitude for these people; every single one of them is absolutely brilliant and so unique. It was really a wonder just to watch them give their input for these performances. Usually, group presentations are a little uncomfortable because no one really knows anyone else and not everyone can meet at the same time and things get stressful, but I never felt this way with my group! They were all very easy and fun to work with and I just felt like I was in the presence of greatness the entire time!

Our presentation went far better than I think any of us expected! It just came together very nicely and I felt we connected with at least a few people in the audience. At first, some of what we were trying to do was over my head, but as we practiced and I watched the performance play out, everything started to make more sense. There are a few things I liked especially about the presentation:

1. Tai's violin playing. Is there ANYTHING that kid can't do?! I'm very glad I finally got to hear him play and I think the music was a beautiful addition to the presentation. It wouldn't have been the same without it.

2. The petite mandolins! Well done, Amy! They were perfect for the presentation and so tasty.

3. The booklets we passed out at the beginning of the performance were all made by Sam and beautifully done. I loved the seal on each one; very elegant.

4. The interplay between Douglas and Kari was hilarious. Especially when Kari turned to Doug and said, "Douglas...*pause for effect*... it's time for communion. Please have a seat.' I couldn't help but giggle... so perfect! I love Kari!

5. Taylor and I were actually reading Police reports for our part of the 'murmuring', and it turned out very well! I think we incorporated the 'ordinary and mundane' and the 'divine' into our presentation in surprising but fitting ways.

All in all, the first round of performances were very fun! It's not every day a person gets the privilege of being around so many great minds, and I am a bit sad the class is ending because I will not get to see these people every week.
Of course, the class would be nothing without Dr. Sexson. Brilliant and inspiring.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Rian! This is probably the most enjoyable group I have ever been a part of. I loved getting to be in a group where people knew eachother, and if we didn't know one another, we got to know and appreciate new people. Great Job! (I know I sound cheesy, but I can't help it)
